Yukon Territory Act is passed
June 28, 1898
“The following Is the act passed at the late session of parliament constituting the Yukon territory and providing for its government:
1. This act may be cited as the Yukon Territory Act.
2. The Yukon judicial district, as constituted by the proclamation of the governor-in-council, bearing date the sixteenth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-seven, and contained in the schedule to this act, is hereby constituted and declared to be a separate territory under the name of the Yukon Territory, and the same
shall no longer form part of the Northwest Territories.
3. The governor-in-council may, by instrument under the great seal, appoint for the
Yukon Territory a chief executive officer, to be styled and known as the commissioner for the Yukon Territory.
4. The commissioner shall administer the government of the territory under instructions from time to time given him by the governor-in-council or the minister of the interior.”
The Yukon Territory Act was assented to on June 13, 1898. Contrary to popular belief, it had been part of the Northwest Territories prior to that.
(Victoria Daily Times – Victoria, B.C.)