
Registration opens for planned union school

The Yukon Federation of Labour is accepting registrations for the new Yukon Union School, scheduled to take place Aug. 25-29 at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre. 

The school will offer comprehensive courses covering various topics, including reconciliation with Yukon First Nations, union and management relationships, stewardship, and women in leadership.

Participants will engage in meaningful discussions and networking with union members and industry professionals, the federation said earlier this month.

The school will aim to provide a conducive learning environment, with classes scheduled from

Monday to Thursday, featuring morning and afternoon sessions. Evening receptions and recreational activities are also planned.

“We are excited to invite union members to join us for the Yukon Union School, where they can gain valuable insights, network with peers, and contribute to meaningful discussions,” said federation president Teresa Acheson.

“This event presents a unique opportunity for professional development and fostering strong relationships within the labour community.”

The registration deadline is July 24. Interested individuals are encouraged to visit the federation’s website for further information and to secure their spot.

More information is available at the federation’s website at

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