Planning for a winter trail
July 23, 1921
“Declaring that it has been demonstrated that the proper winter route to the Fort Norman oil field is via the Yukon, Col. Alfred Thompson, federal member for the Yukon territory, who is in Vancouver, outlined the proposed winter trail, which eventually will connect up the North and Fort Norman.
The new trail, according to plans, would link up with the Whitehorse-Dawson trail at or near the post at Little Salmon, said Col. Thompson.
It would follow the Little Salmon river to its source, proceed into the Ross river valley to the source of the Ross river, go over the divide to the headwaters of the Gravel river and down to the junction of this stream with the Mackenzie. The trek from there to Fort Norman is then only 50 miles, he pointed out.
The federal government, said Col. Thompson, was at present considering an offer from a reputable trading firm at Whitehorse to carry mails via the Yukon route to Fort Norman during the winter. The trip would be made by dog teams from Whitehorse.
Col. Thompson expressed the hope that the appropriation necessary from the government to go ahead with the preparation of the new trail would be forthcoming early in the next session.”
(The Weekly Star – Whitehorse, Yukon)