This Day in Yukon History

Historic artery gets its name

July 22, 1943 

   “The Canadian and United States Governments have agreed that the highway from Dawson Creek, B.C., to Fairbanks, Alaska, shall be given the official name ‘Alaska Highway.’

   The decision was reached by an exchange of notes dated July 19, and made public today by the External Affairs Department.

   Choice of an appropriate name for the road, being constructed by the United States as a defence measure, has been a subject of controversy for many months. Only a few days ago the House of Commons here heard complaints against the name ‘Alcan Highway’ which has been fairly widely used.

   In a note to Hon. Leighton McCarthy, Canadian Minister to Washington, on July 19, State Secretary Cordell Hull said Anthony J. Dimond, Alaska Democrat in the U. S. House of Representatives, had proposed that the highway be given the official name ‘Alaska Highway.’

   ‘The Government of the United States believes that the name suggested by Mr. Dimond is suitable and in harmony with popular usage.’ said Mr. Hull. ‘It is of the further opinion that the highway should be jointly named by the Governments of the United States and Canada in view of the location of the greater part of the highway within Canada and in view of the friendly co-operation which has made possible its construction.'”

(Nanaimo Free Press – Nanaimo, B.C.)

Murray Lundberg

Travelling, writing, and photographing for articles and blog posts at ExploreNorth.

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