FeaturesThis Day in Yukon History

Entertaining a very important visitor

August 13, 1909

   “Whitehorse had the honor on Tuesday afternoon of receiving and entertaining for an hour his excellency Earl Grey, Governor General of Canada, who was on his way from Ottawa to Dawson for a brief visit.

   Major Wood of Dawson, assistant superintendent of the Royal N. W. M. P., and Major Snyder of this place, commander of H Division of the same body, having been detailed to meet the governor general and party at Skagway, did so and escorted them into the Yukon on a special train which reached here at 4:10 p.m., the only others accompanying the party being President S. H. Graves and General Manager A. L. Berdoe of the railroad company.

   On the wharf here between the depot and steamer landing a beautiful arch had been erected, also a platform from which the ceremonies were conducted, and nearly all the population of Whitehorse was assembled there to meet and honor the highest official of the land.

  The train rolled in to the tune of a patriotic air discoursed by the local band. The reception committee of which Donald Ross was chairman, met the earl and his party as they alighted from the president’s private car and escorted them under the beautiful arch on which was emblazoned in native flowers the one word ‘Welcome’ to the platform where an  address was read by Dr. F. W. Cane.”

(The Weekly Star – Whitehorse, Y.T)

Murray Lundberg

Travelling, writing, and photographing for articles and blog posts at ExploreNorth.

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