FeaturesThis Day in Yukon History

Coming in loud and clear

May 25, 1943 – The first telephone call over land lines was made Monday from Vancouver to Whitehorse via Edmonton and the Alcan Highway by A. S. Barker, president of Mayo Utilities, who talked to an American colonel.

The call took place at 12:11 p.m. and took one and one-half minutes to complete. The new line was constructed by the U.S. Corps of Signals, has repeater stations every 90 miles and has seven voice, telegraph and teletype channels. Previous means of communication was by telegraph, mainly from Prince George and Prince Rupert.

Mr. Barker states that the call was as clear as a local call in Vancouver.

Murray Lundberg

Travelling, writing, and photographing for articles and blog posts at ExploreNorth.

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