An old landmark is demolished
June 17, 1943
“Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, lost another of its old landmarks in the demolition of the premises of the Northern Commercial Co., Ltd. In the early days the store was operated by its builder, The Arctic Trading Co.
The company did a thriving business during those hectic years of ’98 and afterward. Later the business was acquired as a going concern by the late Capt. P. Martin, one of the most colorful characters who ever entered the Yukon. It was he who navigated the first steamboat ever to come up the river from Dawson to Whitehorse.
Named the ‘Canadian,’ it left Victoria, B.C., and travelled to St. Michael, then up what is known as the Lower Yukon river to Dawson and then on up to Whitehorse.
His widow lives with her son, Wilfred Martin, a barrister by profession, at Niagara Falls. She is in possession of a diary which was kept all through the years by her husband up to the time of his death a couple of years ago.
The Northern Commercial Co., Ltd., acquired the business from Capt. Martin and during its ownership has extended the same until it contained more floor space than any other store in town.
The company recently acquired the adjoining property and has had the basement excavated in order to make further extensions so as to take care of their increasing business. Latest reports are that the estimated loss is placed at $250,000. Adequate insurance was carried on both property and stock.”
(Edmonton Bulletin – Edmonton, Alberta)