The thorny issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict continued to hang over the heads of city council members on Tuesday evening.
Even in a meeting that lasted only an hour, the impact of 24 delegates who criticized council on June 3 couldn’t be escaped. The visitors had been critical of the fact that a motion that the city formally endorse a ceasefire had been ruled out of order on May 21.
Mayor Laura Cabott and Coun. Michelle Friesen butted heads briefly as council discussed the minutes of previous meetings.
Friesen asked Cabott to read a summary of the comments of the 24 delegates into the record. Each delegate received a summary of two or three paragraphs in the minutes.
Cabott immediately refused the request. She noted that last Friday, she sent a letter to Yukon MP Brendan Hanley saying the city supports the federal government’s call for a ceasefire in the region, and added that should be the end of the issue.
Council moved on to another subject following that brusque exchange.