Most people have heard of a triathlon or even a decathlon, but not as many have heard of biathlon.
Biathlon is a winter Olympic sport, combining the speed of free-style cross country skiing with the precision of small-bore rifle marksmanship.
After every lap of skiing, athletes must shoot five targets, and for every missed shot in the range they are assigned a penalty.
However, if they ski too fast, they may not be steady enough to hit the targets. Hence
the sport motto: “Ski fast, shoot straight!”
Biathlon Yukon is situated on the slopes of The May (Grey Mountain), on the traditional lands of the Ta’an Kwäch’än Council and the Kwanlin Dün First Nation.
There, athletes ages nine to adult practise honing the skills needed to be successful as a biathlete – fast skiing, a steady hand, and controlled breathing.
Biathlon Yukon has several programs which allow athletes to refine the skills of the sport as they age – learning rifle safety and playing games on skis when they are a Biathlon Bear, to competing at the Canadian Nationals for their territory.
No matter what level they are at, however, all learn of the joys of being part of a team, even while competing as individuals. That’s what being part of the “biathlon family” is all about.
As the programming has grown over the past five years, so has the infrastructure, and a new
building is now in the works to house everyone.
Trails have been widened, the shooting range expanded, and officials and coaches are being trained, all to accommodate the growing love of this exciting winter sport, and in the hopes that one day Biathlon Yukon will be the host of the Nationals.
However, none of what is happening on Grey Mountain would be possible without support – financial, physical and emotional – from the community at large.
Volunteers truly are the backbone of the programming at Biathlon Yukon, from coaches, to officials, to board members.
The club is so grateful that Building Systems Consulting (BSC) will be holding their 2nd Annual BSC Golf Classic with all proceeds benefitting Biathlon Yukon, and we encourage all of the Yukon to support this event, either by playing in the tournament or donating to the event.
The BSC Golf Classic tees off at the Mountain View Golf Club at 1 p.m. Friday, July 5, consisting of an 18-hole Texas Scramble format. A Biathlon Yukon barbecue concession opens at noon.
Anyone wanting to register to golf or seeking more information on supporting the event can visit the BSC website, at or contact Brenda with Building Systems Consulting at or 403.846.3662.
Donations can be dropped off at the BSC office at #20, 1114 Front St.
– Submitted by Building Systems Consulting