Pamela Hine has moved from housing to hospitals.
Hine became the new chair of the Yukon Hospital Corp. board of trustees on June 27. The Yukon government made the announcement on July 17.
As chair, Hine will lead the board of trustees and work in partnership with the government and continue implementing the recommendations of the Putting People First report, with a focus on the Health Human Resources Strategy and the transition to Shäw Kwä’ą, Health and Wellness Yukon Santé et mieux-être Yukon, the Yukon’s Health Authority.
Hine, appointed for a three-year term, replaces Al Lucier, whose term recently expired.
“Ms. Hine brings a broad range of experience to this role, including many years in senior leadership positions with the Government of Yukon and the Government of Nunavut,” said Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee.
“She served as the president of Yukon Housing Corporation for seven years and most recently as a vice-president with the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.
“I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Lucier for his leadership of the Yukon Hospital Corporation, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. His contributions have been invaluable over the past three years,” the minister said.
The activities and programs of Yukon Hospitals are governed by a board of trustees, which represents the interests of all Yukoners.
It comprises members from Whitehorse and communities across the territory as well as representatives from Yukon First Nations, medical staff, public service and the public at large.
The mandate of the Yukon Hospital Corporation board as set by the Hospital Act is to provide oversight of and direction to Yukon hospitals through the corporation’s chief executive officer.
The premier appoints members to the hospital corporation board based on the suitability of each candidate for appointment, including their knowledge, experience and competence in respect of matters relevant to the operations of the board and the activities and programs of the corporation.
Putting People First is the Yukon’s road map to creating a health and social system that better serves the needs of Yukoners.