educational staff shortages
Another school year to dawn with staff shortages: association
It’s another school year – once again opening with educational staff shortages, according to Ted Hupé, the head of the…
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It’s another school year – once again opening with educational staff shortages, according to Ted Hupé, the head of the…
Read More »While The Yukon Star suspended publishing operations on August 23rd, readers can still access the online content created by its inspired team during the three months of operation. Paid subscribers can continue to login and access the print edition content for the foreseeable future.
The daily online and weekly print newspaper was launched in May following the closure of the Whitehorse Star. The last day of publication was Friday August 23rd.
Publisher Max Fraser said the decision was regrettable, but unavoidable: “We reached a point where, without sufficient revenues and working capital, we could not continue to operate. While the long-term outlook was promising, the short-term need for revenue was just not being met. Efforts to secure additional finance from the community produced results that were not sufficient. We thank everyone who supported the venture. We got great feedback about the print and online editions and the daily newsletter. As investors our intention was to have a strong new voice in the Yukon media, focussed on local news.”
Though the office has closed, the business will continue to operate and can be contacted at
Accounts can be paid at