This Day in Yukon History

Magnificent new bridge anticipated

June 19, 1900 – “A fine, big cantilever bridge is to be built at Switchback by the White Pass & Yukon road. It will be the only cantilever bridge in Alaska or any part of the far north and would be a credit to any country. The survey for the bridge is being made, and it is expected it will be completed September 30th. The bridge will be entirely of steel with a clean span of 240 feet between piers and a total length of 400 feet. In addition to this there will be 300 feet of approaches. There will be two piers of steel, each resting on foundations of masonry. The bridge will span one of the deepest and most abrupt gorges on the road, and will be of value chiefly for the fact that it will obviate the present necessity of having to switch and reverse all engines and trains, and to turn the engines on a table at what is called Switchback. The railroad will also put in this summer another

fine bridge at Caribou Crossing. It will be a steel drawbridge; affording a clear span of 50 feet either side of the central pier. The largest steamers on the lakes are only about 30 feet in beam, and therefore can easily pass the open draw.”

(Victoria Daily Times – Victoria, B.C.)

Murray Lundberg

Travelling, writing, and photographing for articles and blog posts at ExploreNorth.

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