Advertise with The Yukon Star

It costs money to run a good, professional media organization – with news that local people can trust and rely on.

Advertising revenues are the number one source of funds that will enable The Yukon Star to hire even more reporters and writers, and do an even better job of covering local news and events.

Take advantage of our special introductory rates and discuss your interest in volume discounts. There will never be a better time to make a deal that will support The Yukon Star and get your message to readers throughout the territory and to neighbouring communities. 

Special opportunities are available – like full colour ad space on pages 2, inside back and back pages. Special full colour inserts, or a two or four page centre spread for those special promotions or celebrations. And if you want, upgrade the paper stock to make an even bigger impression with your customers.

For small business/NGO advertisers, book now for a repeating small ad in every weekly print edition and every online edition for the next few months, or the entire first year.

For organizations with events – where ticketed, we’ll post them online for a small fee. For events with no admission cost, fees can be either paid or waived.

And if you’ve got a business or organization that does not really need to advertise, please get in touch to discuss community sponsorships that support local news.



For the weekly print edition, every Friday at 2pm to reserve space with artwork by 5pm Mondays for publication the following Friday. 

For online, daily at noon with artwork final by 5pm.